Thursday, October 17, 2013

Thursday Oct. 17, 2013

Today I packed my project bag for the weekend.  I decided to use my new bag from Lion Brand and it is huge!  I packed a scarf (almost finished), a baby afghan (almost finished), yarn and patterns for fingerless mitts (two), cowls (two), another scarf (not started), plus a lace shawl that is about half completed.  I packed my crochet hooks, straight knitting needles, circular needles and dpn's, plus scissors, tape measure, and stitch markers. I also have one magazine, just in case I am bored.  My car has more yarn, some cardboard tubes and glue (another project), and a gourd.  I think I am overpacking  :)
Tonight, I will get to work on something, probably the shawl or baby afghan.  I will see just how productive I can be in the next few days. 

Thursday, September 26, 2013

day one

Today is a beautiful fall day in Ohio.  Temperature is pleasant, sun is shining and there is a slight breeze, and I am stuck indoors, working that 8-5 job.  I have so many things to be doing; crafting, knitting, crocheting, mowing my grass, fixing the mailbox, vaccuming the floors, checking the oil in my cars, laundry, riding my motorcycle, etc..........  Some days my head spins with all the possibilities.